Payment Methods
We offer the following payment methods:
Credit Cards Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB |
Debit Cards Solo, Switch, Maestro (UK) |
Bank/Wire Transfer Accounts in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Finland, Japan |
PayPal |
Check Personal, Business, Cashier's Checks |
Purchase Orders Businesses, schools, universities only. |
Bank Debit Germany only |
Cash |
Delivery Times
On instant payment (credit card, online wire transfer), we will usually deliver immediately, at maximum within 48 hours. On other payment methods, we deliver instantly after receiving the payment. For orders including CD-ROM shipment, we deliver an unlock key like above, and will ship the CD-ROM within about 1-3 business days. Customers in USA, Canada and Europe should receive their shipments within 3-5 business days. Delivery to other countries may vary up to three weeks.
The order process is secured by a secure internet connection, so the data you send can only be viewed by the addressee. Important information, like credit card numbers, addresses, etc. will be encrypted for transport through the internet. Alternatively, you can place your order through fax, phone and postal mail.
More questions on payments are answered by our customer service in the Customer Care Center.