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Menu Section

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The Section Menu:


It contains all commands regarding sections and is active only if the view 'Snippets' is selected. You can access its commands also by a context menu on the area of the section name.


Description of commands:



New section...


Creates a new section. It appears on the left side of the Snippets view an is immediatly activated.


Delete section


Deletes the current section. Snippets contained in the section are moved to the recycle bin.


Rename section...


Opens an edit dialog for entering the new name of the current section.


Change section color


Assign a new color to the current section. You can use one of the eight predefined colors or define a new one by using a color selection dialog.


Define password...


Assigns a password for the current section. After that, access is only possible after entering this password.

Note: This command is not available if the current section already has a password assigned.


Change password...


Change the password for section.

Note: This command is available only if the current section has a password assigned.


Delete password


Deletes the password for the current section.

Note: This command is available only if the current section has a password assigned.


Close section


Close the current section to avoid access to its Snippets. This changes the current section to the next available if there is one. Otherwise it changes the view to the recycle bin.

Note: This command is available only if the current section has a password assigned.


Import section...


Imports a previously exported section.


Export section...


Exports the current section to a file.


Print section


Prints a list with all Snippets contained in the current section.





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